Tokyo Disneysea



Where imagination and adventure set sail - the one and only DisneySea in the world.

We took the free shuttle bus service to DisneySea the next day, which saved me from some extra walking. Once I stepped in the entrance, I was awed at the ‘artificial man-made scenery’ of the Mediterranean Harbour – Hotel MiraCosta looked so awesome that I thought it was just some big fake poster-buiding, the volcano at Mysterious Island stood handsomely at the background and a little walk led us to a beautiful classical rock bridge which looked like it came out of the Game of Thrones 😱.

We were too busy rushing towards the top ranked ride – ‘Toy Story Mania!’ to take any photos at this point. A little disappointed though when we found out that all Fast Pass was gone for Toy Story and we had to queue for 2 hours. (It was sort of my fault because I couldn’t wake up earlier that morning hehe.) We changed our plan and went for ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’. I was even more at awed when I reached the ‘Mystery Island’ as the layout of that place was really no joke. It felt like you are no longer on earth anymore and you are being teleported to some wonderland. Hence I declare, DisneySea is way more awesome than Disneyland!

Some Disneysea tips, as before:

  1. Tokyo Disneysea is very large. To make the most of your day (and entrance fee), try to avoid visiting during weekends / school holidays. You can also use this Tokyo Disneysea Crowd Predictor to get an idea on crowd levels for the day.
  2. Check the opening times for the day (it varies). Arrive early for the day, say 30 mins before opening time. Even then, you’d be surprise with the crowd you see just waiting outside
  3. You can pre-purchase your tickets online, even overseas. Do it! You don’t want to waste time queuing for tickets on the day.
  4. Read up on what FastPasses are (they are free and included for everyone), and make full use of them! Go for the popular rides first.




After getting the Fast Pass for ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’, we took the ride next to it ‘20,000 Leagues Under The Sea’ as no one was queueing at that point. The queue was short and we were quickly ushered into a spherical ball which actually travelled under water (or so Avy thinks 😉) ! I thought it was just illusion at first, thinking that it wouldn’t be possible to set up all those decorations and stuffs under water but the hell it was all real!

(Dennis now tells me, he lied that day! It was all fake 😭😭😭 You are telling me this after two full months?!)

Verdict: Journey to the Centre of the Earth 7.5/10


We then went to ‘Port Discovery’ and took ‘StormRider’ as there was no queue at all. We weren’t even sure what it was. We then realised it’s actually a 3D simulator ride (a little bit skeptical since it was not even a 4D). It started of with an explanation of what ‘StormRider’ was and guessed what! English subtitle was actually provided! For the first time ever I understood the story behind the ride. The subtitle was not available during the actual ride unfortunately, so I wasn’t even sure if our mission was a success of not lol!


Verdict: StormRider 7/10.


We then strolled at the beautifully decorated port and something caught our eyes – an ice cream booth! It was really really hot that day and we had to had one. I had the prettiest ice cream of all – the Sea Salt Ice Cream Monaka, which was a seashell in a pretty shade of pink. It tasted just okay though. (Though I’m super attracted by its look, I’m a very honest reviewer ahem. 😎 )



I thought I was determined enough not to fall into one of the tourist traps and bought myself any Disney souvenirs, but I was wrong. The weather made me do it! And that’s the Indiana Jones: Temple of the Crystal Skull behind me! Fast pass here we come!



Er…Dennis? You know her? Is there anything I need to know about honey?

Yay we have got two fast passes! Now back to the Centre of the Earth! Grab a bite of this uninteresting-looking sandwich before we go~



Some displays when we were queueing up for Journey to the Centre of the Earth.







Our lift doooown to the Earth core.

Verdict: Journey to the Centre of the Earth 8/10. Awesome roller coaster in the dark! Honestly I don’t really remember the ride since it was a month ago hehe. All I remember was I was really thrilled after the ride and wanted to hop on it again but there was not enough time 😩.


We had a quick lunch at Nautilus Galley at Mysterious Island and God that was the best gyoza I have ever had! We initially set out to look for the gyoza buns which was highly rated online but soon gave up and had these perfect gyoza instead.


It wasn’t in the usual gyoza shape but the elongated shape actually had more filling and was way juicier. It was just perfect! Ten points for gyoza!!! You have got to have someeeeeee! 😍

Verdict: Nautilus Galley’s Gyoza 10/10!!!


We were busy hunting for bubbler when we spotted it – the cart selling gyoza buns! The queue was so long and it wasn’t shaded so Dennis still remembered how hot it was after a month lol! He liked the bun though, so it was worth it. Well, don’t ask me how it tasted, my loyalty still stays with my long gyoza, *peace*.



One of the dilemma we had that day was to go on THE ride or not. As Dennis was the one doing all the research, I had to believe everything my tour guide told me. So according to my tour guide, two of the nono rides in DisneySea were Raging Spirits (because of the loop, I can’t do it) and Tower of Terror (because of the giant dip, Dennis hates dip). Dennis also wouldn’t ride on the scariest ride of Universal Studio Japan – Hollywood Dream because it seemed way too scary and has loops and dips and you name it and it runs backwards! But it would seem less than perfect if we did not try anything scary at all so I was convincing Dennis to go for it. Dennis then tried to discourage me by telling me what he had read online – so Tower of Terror was basically set out in a mansion of a millionaire, who was cursed by a tiki doll which he brought home, which sent his elevator straight down from the top floor of his mansion. So the ride was basically riding on THAT elevator up to the top floor of the mansion, where the elevator door then opened and revealed how far up you have travelled – then pushed you out from that window!!! I was damn scared when I heard that lol! And thought to call it off. Who knows, Dennis then suggested, ‘I’ll take the Tower of Terror with you but then you can’t get me on Hollywood Dream, deal?’ That’s when shit gets real and I was not so sure if I wanted to now! LOL to ride or not to ride. 😱 Let’s just grab the Fast Pass first.


And stare at the Tower of Terror from afar.


And grab a chocolate-flavoured popcorn near the tower lol ! (and a closer view at the tall tower …)



We then queued up for Toy Story Mania which took us more than 1.5 hour!


It was so hot and tiring boohoohoo. But hey smile for the camera! ✌




Selfie time! Hey look at those Fast Pass-ersssss!!! Jellyyyyyy!! 😠




(If you haven’t noticed, the whole queue was actually in a giant “Andy’s Bedroom”, which is waaaay awesome!) 😀

We were given 3D glasses for this 3D moving carnival shooting game! You will be seated in a cart and brought from screen to screen where you will be shooting virtual targets with a gun fixed to each player in your cart. We didn’t realised that our score was recorded until round 1 was over!

I was sharp enough to hunt for those higher valued targets so of course I beat Dennis hehehe. Dennis tried to catch up when he knew it was a race but it was too late~~~ I win~~~ 💃

Verdict: Toy Story Mania 7.5/10. A very enjoyable ride for kids but it’s not worth the queue (Disagree!).


After this it was again back to the origin dilemma: To ride or not to ride… We stood at the entrance of Tower of Terror, holding the Fast Passes in our hands and observing the people who went for it. We were hoping to see some small children as that would mean it wouldn’t be too scary! Most of them were teenagers though hehe. We tried to be brave, handed our Fast Pass to the staff and joined the queue – and saw the lift-wreck.



I don’t wanna be here… 😭

We were then ushered in a room where the staff told us the story about the millionaire and his tiki doll (I assume…I don’t understand Japanese, remember? hehe) And the tiki doll miraculously disappeared in front of our eyes after some starry blinky swarm on it! Dennis and I were so amazed at that trick but the rest of the crowd just left the room to get on the ride LOL. Then…….we were seated in THE elevator. There was a young boy in our group so I wasn’t that worried (or was I?). So the elevator went up…like what Dennis has told me…reached a certain floor and the door opened, revealing the tiki doll saying some threatening words (I assume). The door then closed, and we were sent higher in the tower, ‘ting!’ arrived at a certain floor again and the door opened but I don’t remember what it was LOL (a nice hallway of the big mansion with rich man’s artifacts). THEN, we were sent up to the highest point, and the door opened, revealing a full view of DisneySea from the top of the tower. My heart almost leaped out of my mouth at that point. Then the elevator descended! (No we were not thrown out of the window LOL!) It was a loooong way down and the tiki doll evil laughter was everywhere (or was I imagining it?) and I was screaming my lungs out hahaha! When I thought the ride was over, the elevator was brought back up! And here we go (down) again lol! But when it was all over, I was pretty excited that we made it! It was not a free fall at all. It was scary because I was imagining too much and the suspense was killing me. Definitely worth a ride! So note to future self, save the drama and dilemma and just go for it! LOL! 😂


Now this is what we called pale as sheet.

Verdict: Tower of Terror 9/10. Finally something terrifying.


Okay time to charge up after all that screaming!




I think that’s rolled pork something something…delicious~~ And a nice Yummeh Mandarin ice crush for the hot day!


It’s time for some Indiana Jones adventure! We took the Electric Railway to save us some walking.




Nice view of the ‘American Waterfront’.




While queueing up~

Verdict: Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull 8.5/10. Truly an adventure!

This was a dark ride roller coaster similar to ‘The Journey’ but it was way more awesome as the ride felt like you were there with Indiana Jones exploring the temple, much like in the movies. At the end of the ride a huge rock will be sent rolling to squash you and that was almost like real I was practically screaming lol! And of course that would be the chosen moment for them to take pictures! Say AAAAHHH! 😱


After all the must-rides, its picture time!




Right outside the Crystal Skull Temple




The beautifully decorated Mermaid Lagoon


My dad.



Aladdin! I’m coming!



Arabian Coast Disneysea Tokyo

See?? Majestic magnificent mamamia!




We tried the ‘Curry Sampler’ at the Casbah Food Court in Arabian Coast, which had three small chicken, beef and shrimp curry with naan. It was not bad yuuum!



We then hunted for the Chandu Tiger Tail but failed, so we settled for these maple syrup waffle balls as desserts.


Now time to head back to the Mediterranean Harbour for Fantasmic!




Look at that night view. Pretty awesome right? On the way to the harbour~ FOUND DENNIS’ FAVOURITE HAT! (Still on the way BTW) . 




Excited to try their frozen draft! 🍺 Yes yes I’m still on the way …

And we found a good spot! Tried my frozen draft and it was…okay. LOL. Not a fan of beer. It’s the word ‘frozen’ which caught my eye.



Look at my handsome volcano turning so graceful and mysterious at night.

I didn’t take any photo during Fantasmic as I decided to pay full attention on every detail. I cannot describe how amazing the parade was but just trust my words on it. Stay back for it. It was totally worth the wait.

(Here’s a YouTube clip of the awesomeness, credits to the uploader, we did not film this 😝)

Verdict: Fantasmic 9.5/10.

A photo of the globe before we leave the theme park.



We planned to go back to the hotel by the shuttle bus service so we headed back to the Maihama station. We stopped by the supermarket in Ikspiari Mall for some snacks and breakfast.

BANANA!! Amazing taste yuuum!



Somebody loves the ‘nooka’ onigiri 😉

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